Saturday, September 26, 2009

For Saturn-day, but I lost count how many I've done

a.Destiny Arts Center. This is a wonderful program of dance and martial arts, with an emphasis on community building, peace and conflict resolution, that my family has been lucky enough to be a part of since Elcy was in first grade and Tilly was in pre-school. Yesterday, Tilly auditioned for the DAC Performance Company, and today we got the call that she was accepted into Company. I am so very grateful to Destiny and to Sarah Crowell, in particular, for her enduring enthusiasm.

b. Om. They put on a great show last night. I’ve been chillin’ and groovin’ to their CD all day today. There was a point during the show when I had my earplugs in and my eyes closed, and rather than listening to the music, I decided just to feel the vibrations. Which ones made my pant legs tickle my calves, which ones made my solar plexus feel like it was part of a marimba, which ones mad me feel like I was going to ovulate, right there.

c. I got to see Matt Pike last night–I haven’t really seen him since I stopped drinking, as he’s a bartender at Eli’s Mile High Club. I heart Matt. He’s a very nice guy. He looked great last night. He said he’s been working out and swimming, and he has a new girl and she seems very nice. He used to be in a band, Sleep, with the guys from Om. His curernt band, High on Fire, is going on tour with Dethklok this fall, and I won’t see him again for a while. It makes me a little sad for me, but happy for him. I’m grateful that I’ve gotten to be friends with him.

d. It’s Friday and I don’t have to clean anyone else’s house till Monday.

e. Alba, for her random text about Home Depot today. Damn, that was funny and wise at the same time!!!

f. Despite the regular ol’ nagging fears about money and what people think of me, I have to confess that I’ve been feeling pretty damned happy lately. That’s a good thing.

g. The tamboura.

h. Cordless power drill.

i. My reading glasses. I just put them on, and it’s hella easier to read the computer screen. Duh.

j. The Wiz at the Piedmont Theatre tonight.

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