Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The time is right

I often marvel at new technologies.  I remember being absolutely fascinated by the introduction of digital media in the form of Compact Discs and, in the early days of computing, I can actually remember using my portable cassette tape player to save computer data.  This evolved into floppy discs, named after the wishy-washy 5 and  a quarter inch magnetic discs.  These then became their smaller 3 and a half inch cousins. These initially stored 512 kilobytes of data, but when made double sided, could then store a massive 1.44 megabytes! (about a quarter of the size of a chart MP3 track).  How things have moved on since!  After only 15 or 16 years, I now carry around my little ‘dongle’, no bigger than my front door key, on which I could store the equivalent of five and a half thousand of those  floppy disks.  Amazing eh!

Where’s this all leading, I hear you ask!  Well, staying on the topic of technology, we have just become aware of a piece of technology that will be very close to many of our readers’ hearts, especially those who have been trying to have a baby for a long time.  Mums and Dads who have been trying for a family have had to try traditional temperature measurements to best estimate their time of ovulation and to therefore increase their chances of becoming pregnant.

All very hit and miss I would say.  The new gizmo uses data sensing and storage techniques to record and predict the woman’s temperature for much longer periods in order to more accurately record temperature trends and therefore get a much more accurate prediction of her fertile time.  Have a look at this:

Rough indications of fertile days can be found by using tools such as our own Ovulation Calendar, but if you want the Real McCoy, then the new DuoFertility system will blow your mind!  This is something that doesn’t impose on or interfere with a waoman’s normal routine, yey gives her as accurate a picture of her own fertility patterns as she could ever hope to get.  Amazing!

They’re not cheap, but knowing how much some parents are willing to spend in their quest to have a child, I predict that this little device will revolutionise family planning.

If you’re a couple who have been trying for a baby for a while, this could be exactly what you’re looking for.  Why not have a look at the DuoFertility site for yourself and see what you think?



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