Yesterday wasn’t a complete loss. DH came home from work with Red Sox tickets! We missed seeing them when they played in June (my boss took all the tickets), and in August (we were in NM for my mother-in-law’s funeral), so I was pretty excited that we got to see them.
DH’s parents were from Rhode Island and Massachusetts, and he grew up in Maine, so with all that New England blood he’s been a Red Sox fan since birth. I married into it . I’ve always been a fan of baseball, since I loved playing softball in school, but never really had a favorite major league team. Louisiana didn’t exactly have a baseball team, and for some reason Louisianians don’t like cheering for Texas sport teams…
In 2002, after Hubby came back from Afghanistan, he drove from where he was stationed in Georgia to Louisiana. He spent a week with me and my family, then we drove out to New Mexico to his parent’s house. We weren’t married at this point, and I hadn’t met his parents yet. We spent two weeks with them, and watched a Red Sox game every night. My MIL had just restarted chemo at that point after a 6 year remission, so she was too tired to do much, but she enjoyed explaining the finer points of baseball to me and introducing me to all of the players. I had a blast.
Since our company has season tickets to the Orioles games, we’ve managed to see the Red Sox at least once or twice a season for the last 3 years. DH even saw Manny hit his 500th home run at Camden yards. Every time we saw them play, DH would sneak out during the seventh inning stretch to call his mom and tell her where we were. It was strange last night, as we watched the Red Sox take a 6 run lead in the eighth, not to have anyone to text the news to.
I always notice how many newborns there are at the baseball games. I’m talking brand-spanking-new, like probably shouldn’t be out at 10 pm in chilly 60 degree windy weather kind of newborns. DH was actually the one that pointed it out to me last night – “Isn’t that baby a bit young to be in a huge crowd of people late at night?” There were several people with little tiny babies in onesies – no socks, no hat. I was chilly in my jeans and sweatshirt, so I felt a little bit of anger at the parents. And had the typical infertile thought that I would be a much better parent. I wouldn’t bring my little one out with thousands of other people when their immune system isn’t fully developed yet. I would make sure they were warm, since infants don’t have the ability to regulate their own body temperature. See, I may be infertile, but I know something about babies.
It always comes back to infertility. My life consists now of things to take my mind off of work and infertility.
Today is cd14 and I had a huge dip in temp today. I’ve had some fertile mucus the last two days, so I think this might be a dip before ovulation. I had some ovary pain yesterday and the day before, so it might be today. We’ll see.
Thanks for all of your comments over the last couple days. After such a horrible week, reading your kind words means so much. Thanks for all the support and understanding!
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