I read a very interesting article regarding ovulation and a women’s libido. I learnt that during ovulation a woman’s sexual drive increases signifacantly. Call me crazy, but I’ve never really paid the subject much mind. After all, we are animals – predators if you will – and we are first and foremost on this planet to procreate. To find a mate and populate. So, wouldn’t it make sense that the 12-24 hours during a woman’s cycle that she is the most fertile (ie when she is ovulating) that nature might turn up her sexual dial somewhat? Oh Mother Nature and your sneaky ways!
So what about those nights when we feel an overwhelming desire to wear the push-up bra and high heels? To darken our lips, wear our hair mane-like, tauntingly skimming our eyes. When its somehow a little easier to purr and paw in the direction of an attractive male? Or when our sexual desire gets the better of us and we fuck complete strangers in restaurant bathrooms or on planes and trains… oh, you know I’ve done this. But damn it, was I ovulating?
They say statistically a significant amount of one night stands end in pregnancy; and that married women are much more likely to cheat on their husbands when they are ovulating. Wow. Again, guilty on both accounts, and I only know this because I got a two for one deal, if you know what I mean. Ouch.
And as for how our ovulation effects the men around us I found the following: In work conducted by Martie Haselton, an associate professor of psychology at UCLA, women report that when they’re ovulating, their partners are more loving and attentive and, significantly, more jealous of other men. “The men are picking up on something in their partner’s behavior that tells them to do more mate-guarding,” Haselton says.
A study published last October in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior showed that strippers who are ovulating average $70 in tips per hour; those who are menstruating make $35; those who are not ovulating or menstruating make $50.
So, let’s do an experiment. Here are a few guide lines.
1) If you are on the pill this will not work as contraceptives feed us a supply of hormones which trick the body into thinking it is pregnant – consequently we do not ovulate.
2) I am going to give you an estimated ovulation calculation. It will be more accurate if you have a regular 28 day cycle. (Or better still if you have one of those at home ovulation kits).
3) We are going to chart our cycle this month, and follow our sexual desires and activities before, during and after our ovulations.
Ovulation: The release of the ripe egg from the ovary. The egg is released when the cavity surrounding it (the follicle) breaks open in response to a hormonal signal. Ovulation occurs around fourteen or fifteen days from the first day of the woman’s last menstrual cycle. When ovulation occurs, the ovum moves into the fallopian tube and becomes available for fertilization. Ovulation typically lasts from 12 to 24 hours.
Vaginal discharge during ovulation resembles slippery egg-whites, ideal for the purposes of conception. It is during this time that the vaginal walls are generally well-lubricated, sexual intercourse is easiest, and the acidic discharge best assists the egg’s path from the ovaries to the fallopian tubes. Immediately after ovulation, the discharge changes in consistency, becoming less viscous and less frequent, with a cloudy or whitish color and snotty-looking appearance.
Mark your calendar with the first day of your last period. Count 14 days from that day and mark it. Now, lets sit back and watch what happens.
My last period was 7th September. My ovulation will therefore be around September 2oth. A Sunday, a fine day for some sexual fancies. So this coming weekend holds a glimmer of hope for a fun story. No doubt I’ll start to feel the increase in my purr abilities a few days before (say Friday)… hmmmm, the world is my oyster.
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